I am Carina.
Finding my element in the earth and water, through the gentle flow of the Lomi Lomi Nui, the grounding clarity and warmth of Shiatsu, and my love of working with clay. I am here to support you in developing and sustaining a loving and nurturing contact with your body, so that your soul can find more spaciosness in matter for expression and unfolding. Being in service to landing soul in body - deeper aligning with ease.
'The soul is the touched body.'
Jean-Luc Nancy
Being in Service

'The space of touch that Carina opens feels very warm, grounded and safe to me. I can really let go and relax deeply. The Shiatsu treatments are every time a little different in my experience. I like it that Carina gives me the space to go deeper at some points and that it is an exploration together of what wants to show up and be felt.'
'I remember that I said 'I have no words for what has just happened' - I lost track of time and space and I have never been touched with so much presence and felt so met in my body, my emotions and my soul.
Lomi Lomi feels like being a wave in the ocean, deep and gentle and alive. Thank you, Carina, for this amazing experience!'
'I've wanted to learn how to work on the pottery wheel for so long and I found a wonderful teacher in Carina. With a lot of calmness and presence,
she led me deeper into my body awareness and my Hara and I felt very connected to the earth and in contact with the clay in its own way. With a lot of humor I ended up being able to take a small bowl home with me and left with a lot of joy and a new hobby.'
'Carina sees. She sees with her hands, she sees with her spirit and she sees with her heart. I've rarely felt so seen. And I've rarely been able to close my eyes to the truth of being seen, because she doesn't either.
In every form of her practice she knows when to hold the space for watchful stillness and integration and when for joy and life force, for anger, for fear, for exhaustion and love and inspiration. No matter what rests and is seeking to be seen in my soul, she touches it - when I allow so.'
"I felt so alive and vibrant after the tantric bodywork session with Carina.
Rarely have I felt so
safe and seen in exploring my sensuality. The space she opened was magical and yet very grounded and safe.
At times it felt she was moving my body like playing an instrument and
I feel inspired to look deeper
into the emotions that came up.
It was powerful for me to be
witnessed and ackknowledged
for my power and my vulnerability in that process.
Thank you from the
bottom of my heart."
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